Friday, August 10, 2012

Feistres Crew Cabins

I read a great blog post today about how drawing maps of your fictional land can help develop story lines. I found this out when I was writing the opening scene of Chapter 1 of the first book (yes, I have gotten that far). I needed to know where everyone's cabins were, so I mapped it out. Since I removed some characters from my story, I have more room to add them later as cameo guests if I choose to use them. Anyway, I thought you would like to see what I have so far. It is a bit square for a ship of any kind, but it is a work in progress. Every time I try to see the outside of the ship in my head, all I can picture is a giant metallic chicken-shaped monstrosity. Stop laughing. I am serious, although I really wish I was not. Since that is definitely not an ideal spaceship shape, I'll wait until I can see it more clearly. If it were going to be a silly sci-fi book like "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy," a chicken-shaped spaceship would be perfect. That's not really the vision I have for Feistres. Until I determine the final hull shape, I'll work with a square. Here is my first attempt at the cabins.

As you can see, it needed some work. I changed things around until they were more accommodating, but it was still not complete and was jumbled. Below is the cleaned-up version.

Here's the "final" with all names (except for Captain Lafayette Rhys), and everyone assigned a room. This is final only in that it gives me something to work with and is not on the drawing paper I got for the purpose of mapping everything out. The small squares are the shared bathrooms. Everyone shares except the Captain and the married couple. The cabins are pretty spacious without the need for the ship to be chicken-shaped. :)

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